It's All About You
A heartening offering from author LaShannon Jeanette Akins, you will truly relate to the different instances and experiences that she explores. Be confident and bold in learning who you are and empower yourself in finding your real purpose. As the author delves deep into your life and explores the good and bad times, joyous and poignant moments, and other inconsequential events, you’ll truly enjoy it because It’s All About You.
Since It’s All About You, the author hopes that this will motivate you in bettering your lives. Fear not, take a leap of faith!
He Restored My Soul
He Restored My Soul is about my testimonies of some trials and tribulations I endured in my marriage. It is to share that you are more than a conqueror in anything that you may face in life. My soul was so broken and bruised, and the only person that could help me was God. What you will read is not for you to feel sad or sorry for me or anyone else. If I had never experience the rain; I would not appreciate the sunshine. From these experiences birthed a new level of perseverance and determination. This is to let you know that whatever situation you are in, you have the authority to change it. You can make the decision to move onward and upward.
Thank you, God in me, for the boldness and ability to share my testimony without the feeling of bondage of what people may think. God in me, thank you for the liberty to use my voice.
-LaShannon Jeanette Akins